nvm introduction

nvm is an excellent tool that can be used to manage different versions of nodejs in a single OS. I am using nvm in my development Linux server to switch the nodejs to the latest version after I download it using nvm. A few use cases are as below:

check the current installed nodejs versions

nvm ls

check remote Long-Term-Support nodejs versions

nvm ls-remote –lts

install Long-Term-Support nodejs versions Dubnium

nvm install –lts=Dubnium

You can also install a specific version

nvm install 10.16.2

Most of the time, after you installed a nodejs version, the npm package coming along with the nodejs is not the latest one. You can update it:

npm update -g npm

You can manully switch to another nodejs version:

nvm use v10.16.3

If you are working behind a corporate firewall, a proxy should be set for nvm. Since nvm use curl to communicate with the remote server, the proxy should be set for curl file ~/.curlrc.

proxy =